
GIJS7090Invited lectures (since 2017, to be updated, invitations seem more quantic than my admin…)

16 November 2020, Keynote opening lecture, “Making Europe through infrastructures of (in)security” workshop, University of Vienna, Austria

15 September 2020, Keynote opening lecture, European International Studies Association (EISA) Early Career workshop series, Malta

13 December 2019, Panel convenor and presenter, ‘Towards an STS approach to identification?’ panel, featuring A. M’Charek, J. Bier, S. Wyatt, V. Toom. Netherlands Graduate School in Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC) Annual Meeting, Amsterdam

15-16 November 2019. Keynote lecture, ‘Technologies et migrations. Corps, identités et technologies digitale dans le phénomène migratoire contemporain’, CETCOPRA, Université Sorbonne Paris 1

2 September 2019, Keynote lecture, ‘STS and migration infrastructures’ lecture series, Kassel University (DE)

03 June 2019, Keynote lecture ‘Technology and Infrastructures. Digital registration of migrants as techno-social assemblage’, Utrecht Center for Global Challenges, ‘Digitized Global Mobilities. The Role of New Media and Digitization in the security approaches of the refugee crisis’, Utrecht University (NL)

15-17 November 2018, Panel “State Borders and Technology in Europe: Between Openness and fortification”, “B/ORDERS IN MOTION – Current challenges and future perspectives” conference, organized by Collegium Polonicum (Słubice) and European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder), Frankfurt/Oder (DE)

29 August-1 September 2018, Lecture at “Us and Them: Sociotechnologies of Alterity/Otherness” closed panel convened by Lucy Suchman, Annual Conference of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Sydney (AU)

7 June 2018, Lecture at “ICT and the management of refugee flows and services” workshop, Information Systems Department, London School of Economics, London (UK)

10 May 2018, Conference “La Ricerca Scientifica: un valore per il Paese”, speaker to final roundtable, Italian National Research Council, Gruppo 2003 of the most cited Italian scientists, Scienza in Rete , Rome (IT)

27-28 November 2017, Lecture at “Varieties of Citizenship in a Globalised World” conference, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute and , Fiesole (IT)

15-16 November 2017, Participant to “Blockchain4Europe” workshop, European Joint Research Centre and European DG Grow, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Brussels (BE)

19-20 October 2017, ERC Project Follow conference “Secrecy and Methods in Security Research”, speaker to final roundtable, University of Amsterdam, Haarlem (NL)

7-10 September 2017, Tensions of Europe conference, panel chair and invited speaker, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens (GR)

26 June 2017, Lecture, Télécom ParisTech, Paris (FR)

8 June 2017, Lecture, Institute of Communications Sciences (ISCC)/CNRS/Sorbonne/UPMC, Paris (FR)

11 April 2017, Lecture, Paris Institute of Advanced Studies, Paris (FR)

16 March 2017, ERC Project Arithmus ‘Peopling Europe through Data Practices’ conference, Tate Modern-Goldsmiths, London (UK)