Il Sole sulle cattedre Natta
Essendomene occupata in precedenza, riporto di seguito un articolo del Sole24Ore sulle cattedre intitolate a Natta. Non lavorando nel sistema accademico italiano, non ho tutti gli elementi per valutare le […]
Essendomene occupata in precedenza, riporto di seguito un articolo del Sole24Ore sulle cattedre intitolate a Natta. Non lavorando nel sistema accademico italiano, non ho tutti gli elementi per valutare le […]
On September 8 the results of the 2016 ERC Starting Grants have been published by the European Research Council. The ERC grants are awarded under the “excellent science” pillar for […]
Che fine hanno fatto le c.d. “Cattedre Giulio Natta”? Mi riferisco al Fondo per il reclutamento eccezionale di professori universitari eccellenti, incluso nella Legge di Stabilitá 2016 e annunciato da […]
The independent experts’ evaluation report on the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation has just been made publicly available of the European website ( In the report a […]
If it wasn’t that same Friday 13 November 2015 that will be remembered for the Paris killings, I might say that it has been a pleasure and a joy to […]
I report here some excerpts from a brilliant post appeared on Stefan Popenici’s blog. It questions the role of academies and the European tradition of public intellectuals in the face […]
“Since the beginning of the euro crisis, Europe became part of the moral problem, not part of the solution. This migration crisis adds a little bit more to the loss […]
I recently had the lovely opportunity to discuss with Marloes van Amerom about the possibilities and risks of digitization of government data. From the very first punch card and Babbage’s […]
“Therein resides uncertainty. The innovation which succeeds is the one which comes to master it by choosing good speakers”
A new article by Rob Hoppe and me – “Birth of a Failure” is now out on Administration and Society!