Processing Citizenship on Australian Radio

The interview of The Familiar Strange with Processing Citizenship’s PI is now available as podcast
The interview with Annalisa by Jodie Trembath (@jodietrembath) for the Familiar Strange is now online:
The interview was recorded at the 4S conference in Sydney, after Annalisa’s lecture at the “Us and Them” panel. It covers topics like the relation between populism and digital enactment of migrants, migrants’ own relationship with technology, European values and colonialism, and much more. The interview constitutes the 7th episode in the Science and Technology interview series.
The Familiar Strange is an Australian anthropology social engagement project. It is a blog, a podcast, a radio. Its mission is twofold. Firstly, it helps anthropologists to “work through ideas in more informal ways and to familiarise a wider audience with uncommon, and often estranging, knowledge of anthropology”. Secondly, its goal is to “assert anthropological thinking styles in light of current far-reaching social and political uncertainties”. All in all, The Familiar Strange tries to create an opportunity for anthropologists and other social scientists to engage more openly with critical questions of the anthropological concern.
This anthropology podcast is supported by the Australian Anthropological Society, the ANU’s College of Asia and the Pacific and College of Arts and Social Sciences, and the Australian Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, and is produced in collaboration with the American Anthropological Association.
Music by Pete Dabro:
Shownotes by Jodie-Lee Trembath
Feature image titled “Fingerprint Scanner” by Mike McKenzie of