PC lands in Bologna

It’s official. PC ha finally landed at the University of Bologna. What about a project about European futures at the oldest university in the Western world?
Processing Citizenship has moved. Or better, it now encompasses Europe, in full line with its scientific goal: how is European order being enacted?
Indeed, part of PC has remained in the Netherlands, at the University of Twente, while the new part of the team is being built at the University of Bologna.
This solution will allow the Project to benefit from and contribute to the best that the European Research Area can offer: cutting edge knowledge in innovation policy and information science, on the one hand, and trans-disciplinary excellence in the humanities and social sciences, on the other.
While retaining a PhD position and a visiting professorship at the Department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies (STePS) of the University of Twente, PC is engaging at all levels of research and teaching at the Philosophy and Communication Department at the University of Bologna.
The inaugural lecture here is to be held on December 10 at 14.30, Mondolfo room, via Zamboni 38, Bologna. The lecture is organised by the International Center for History of Science (CIS) and SeRiC – the colloquia initiative of the Philosophy and Communication Department.
We very much look forward to welcoming you and celebrating PC’ s new start!