We are hiring! Apply now!

Processing Citizenship is hiring! Two postdoc vacancies are opened at the University of Bologna, with Annalisa Pelizza as Principal Investigator.
- One position in “Social studies of data infrastructures for population management”
Open to candidates wishing to focus their research on the socio-organizational aspects of data infrastructures, with attention to how circulation of third-country populations data shapes and is shaped by inter-organizational boundaries.
Strongly encouraged backgrounds: Science and Technology Studies, sociology of technology or sociology of organization with a focus on data infrastructures, social informatics, software studies or information science with a sociological sensitivity
- One position in “European studies with a focus on multi-level governance of data infrastructuring for migration management”
Open to candidates wishing to focus their research on European multi-level and multi-sectorial governance, with attention to data infrastructuring for migration management
Strongly encouraged backgrounds: political science, EU public policy, European history, European law, International Relations or sociology, all with a focus on European integration
- Where: University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication.
Bologna is one of the most sought after cities to live and work in Italy and Europe - Duration: 12 month, renewable
- Salary: between 2.200 and 2.600 euro/month net
- Start date: April 2020, a later date can be negotiated
- Submission deadline: 16th February, 2020
- Interviews: 5th (Social studies of data infrastructures vacancy) and 6th (European Studies vacancy) February 2020, candidate decides whether in person or via videocall
- Full-length call and submission link (tip: filter by department “Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione (post 240/2010)”)
In case of scientific questions, please contact the PI Annalisa Pelizza annalisa.pelizza2 [at] unibo.it.
In case of administrative questions, please contact Ms. T. Mattioli, +39 051/2092202, tatiana.mattioli [at] unibo.it
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