Processing Citizenship at EASST+4S conference

From 18 until 21 August, Processing Citizenship will contribute to the EASST+4S conference. The theme of this year’s conference is “Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and Agency of STS in Emerging Worlds”.
The conference is jointly organized every two years by the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference has been re-designed as a totally virtual conference.
During the conference members of the Processing Citizenship team will contribute to the following sessions.
Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 August
On the first day of the conference Processing Citizenship’sPrincipal Investigator, Prof. Annalisa Pelizza, will chair the panel “Proliferation and dispersal of (in)security actors and materialities” from 6:00 to 7:40pm CEST. Link.
This session is organized by Prof. Annalisa Pelizza and Prof. Claudia Arradau and is split into three separate panels. During these sessions contributors are asked to develop new vocabularies to “re-engage questions of multiplicity, heterogeneity and performativity at the intersection of STS and critical security studies”.
The second part of this session continues at 8:00 to 9:40pm CEST. In this panel Annalisa Pelizza will give a presentation titled “Identification as Translation: Shiftings, Spokespersons and Interessement Devices at the Securitized Border.” The paper she will discuss pursues a translational approach to the securitization of migration. Link.
On Wednesday the last part of these sessions, “Proliferation and dispersal in security communities of practice (Proliferation, dispersal and (in)security #3)”, will take place from 10:00 to 11:40am CEST. Link.
Thursday 20 August
On Thursday, PhD candidate Wouter Van Rossem will contribute to the panel “Digital Technologies in Policing and Security – Session 2“, from 3:00 to 4:40pm CEST. The contribution is titled “Ontologies Enacting Alterity” and is based on shared work of him and Prof. Annalisa Pelizza. In this panel he will discuss a new method and tool to extract and analyze ontologies for non-citizens identities from technical, legislative, and other types of documents. The goal of this panel was described as follows:
this panel seeks to ask how STS can provide analytical tools for grasping the entanglement of technology and society involved in the development and implementation of digitally mediated knowledge production in policing, criminal justice, border control and other fields of security by presenting globally disseminated case examples as well as theoretical approaches on the digitalization and datafication of policing and security practices.
Full details here.
During the conference it is still possible to register. See the homepage of the meeting for more information: