Call for abstract – 8th STS Italia Conference Trieste 17-19 June 2021

Prof. Annalisa Pelizza and PhD candidate Lorenzo Olivieri will be the convenors of a panel on platforms, surveillance and vulnerable populations at the 8th STS Italia Conference.
The panel invites presentations discussing the relation between digital platforms and vulnerable subjects: How do online platforms and data infrastructures allow empowering innovations in the communications strategies of vulnerable people? How do they produce novel vulnerabilities or exacerbate already existing ones? How is the modern distinction between government, business and civil society reshuffled as a consequence? For more information see here.
The 8th STS Italia Conference will be hosted by the University of Trieste from June 17 to June 19. Last year the conference was postponed due to Covid pandemic, but the theme of the conference – “Dis/Entangling Technoscience: Vulnerability, Responsibility and Justice” – has remaineed the same. It calls attention to “the complex and ambivalent role of technoscience and innovation in constituting societies – making possibilities flourish, but also creating new vulnerabilities”. The conference will include 28 tracks, including one dedicated to Covid-19. Abstracts can be submitted until December 18. For more information see here