Digitizing Peoples in Uncertain Times: final program and registration link

The two-day seminar is intended to address the emergent methods used to create data about populations, as well as the interventions we as social researchers can develop to create alternative epistemic forms about vulnerable, dispersed, invisible or just emergent populations.
Click here to register. No fee is requested
13 May
9.50 – 10.00: Opening by Annalisa Pelizza
10.00 – 12.45: Panel 1 – Digital methods performing populations. Discussant: Elena Esposito
13:45 – 14:45: Keynote by prof. Noortje Marres (University of Warwick): Doing digital sociology with publics? From performativity to provoking participation
14:45 – 16:15: Roundtable featuring Noortje Marres, Giulia Andrighetto, Elena Esposito. Chair: A. Pelizza
16:30 – 17:45: Launch of the Ontology Explorer. Presentation by A. Pelizza and W. Van Rossem, discussant Aldo Gangemi
14 May
10:30 – 11:30: Keynote by Dr. Teun Zuiderent-Jerak (Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam). STS Making & Doing: Situated Intervention as Knowledge Production, Expression and Travel
11:30 – 13:00: Rountable featuring T. Zuiderent-Jerak, A. Pollini, I. Quaranta. Chair: C. Loschi
14:00 – 16:20: Panel 2 – Interventions and their methods
16:20 – 16:45: Conclusions