STS Italia Conference 2023 – Bologna 28-30 June

The 9th STS Italia Conference will be held in Bologna, (28-30 June 2023). The Conference welcomes paper proposals contributing to the effort of unpacking the ambiguous concept of “interest” from a more-than-human perspective. The conference is intended to provide a dynamic, equal and multidisciplinary context to present conceptual, methodological and analytical insights in the heterogeneous realm of social studies of science, technology and innovation.
The members of Processing Citizenship are pleased to invite abstract submission to two panels.
Panel 42: Revisiting identification and registration of humans and more-than-humans: long-term perspectives and implications, organized by Chiara Loschi; Annalisa Pelizza; Paul Trauttmansdorff
Panel 10: Games, experiments and redesign – Testing STS multimodal approaches, organized by Lorenzo Olivieri; Annalisa Pelizza; Claudio Coletta
Deadline for abstract submission: January 15, 2023.
Abstract should be sent through the conference platform.
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection: February 20, 2023.