Ermioni Frezouli (BA in Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2000; MSc in Energy Management and Environmental Protection, National Technical University of Athens, 2007) writes a dissertation on the localization of broader challenges in small societies, using as an example the Greek island of Chios (Doctoral Program, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, School of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
She has relevant experience from participation in a series of national and international research projects and networks, including several FP7 and Life+ projects, the EU Creative Europe Project ‘RISK CHANGE: Migration is a natural law’ (Project Manager), the research project ‘Hotspotting Greece: The transformation of border surveillance and state control in times of intensified migration management’ (Researcher), the Horizon 2020 project ‘HoNESt: History of Nuclear Energy and Society’ (Researcher), the Research Group ‘Technology, Environment and Resources’ the ‘Tensions of Europe Network’.
Interested in the study of technology from the humanities and the social sciences, she is focused on retrieving the social interests advanced through the technical designs of failed and successful island infrastructures. Building on her previous experience with water management issues (Environmental Policy Coordinator and Project Manager at the ‘Mediterranean SOS Network’), she studies the co-shaping of the Chios island water supply technological network and the society around it through registered (e.g. related to the multifaceted environmental degradation) and unpredictable challenges (e.g. the one related to the recent/ongoing migration wave).
Through her work and studies she has travelled and stayed at various places around Europe, including several port locations around the Mediterranean, France (undergraduate Erasmus exchange student at Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France, academic year 1998-1999) and Denmark (graduate Erasmus exchange student at the Information Technology University Copenhagen, Technologies in Practice Research Group, spring semester of academic year 2016-2017).
Current Research Interests:
Science and technology studies; migration/border studies; environmental studies.