On March 1st , 10:00 – 12:00, the second workshop organized within the Processing Citizenship seminar series will take place at the University of Twente with a seminar entitled ‘The Registration imperative: controlling migration, controlling Europe’.
The seminar will see the participation of Bernd Kasparek and Melina Antonakaki.
Bernd Kasparek is a mathematician and cultural anthropologist, working in the fields of Europeanisation, Migration and border studies. In 2016, he was part of the “Transit Migration 2” research team, an ad-hoc research into the de- and restabilisation of the European border regime between Turkey, Greece, Serbia and Hungary. He is currently working as a researcher in the Horizon2020 funded research project RESPOND. He is a member of the german-language Network for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies (kritnet), member of the board of the journal Movements, and member of the board of the research association
Melina Antonakaki (MA; Dipl. Biol.) works as a research associate at MCTS-TUM. For the last six years Melina has been an activist and researcher of two highly problematic fields: (1) the question of border crossings as an “epidemiological concern” of the EU and (2) the attempted industrialization of the weird – one could say – queer biology of regeneration. The body vulnerable and the body automaton could work here as conceptual gatherings for her agents, who usually inhabit less-than-human identities, yet in more-than-human politics. It is those encounters and the study of usually off-bounds spaces that is central to Melina’s methodographic sensibility, which is characterised by a commitment to things that do not matter.
What: PC seminar series with Bernd Kasparek and Melina Antonakaki
When: On March 1st , 10:00 – 12:00
Where: Ravelijn, RA 1315, University of Twente, Enschede (NL)