News from PC – Processing Citizenship Digital registration of migrants as co-production of citizens, territory and Europe Thu, 26 Dec 2024 22:12:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News from PC – Processing Citizenship 32 32 PC lands in Bologna Tue, 10 Dec 2019 16:04:54 +0000 It’s official. PC ha finally landed at the University of Bologna. What about a project about European futures at the oldest university in the Western world? Processing Citizenship has moved. Or better, it now encompasses Europe, in full line with its scientific goal: how is European order being enacted? Indeed, part of PC has remained…

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It’s official. PC ha finally landed at the University of Bologna. What about a project about European futures at the oldest university in the Western world?

Processing Citizenship has moved. Or better, it now encompasses Europe, in full line with its scientific goal: how is European order being enacted?

Indeed, part of PC has remained in the Netherlands, at the University of Twente, while the new part of the team is being built at the University of Bologna.

This solution will allow the Project to benefit from and contribute to the best that the European Research Area can offer: cutting edge knowledge in innovation policy and information science, on the one hand, and trans-disciplinary excellence in the humanities and social sciences, on the other.

While retaining a PhD position and a visiting professorship at the Department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies (STePS) of the University of Twente, PC is engaging at all levels of research and teaching at the Philosophy and Communication Department at the University of Bologna.

The inaugural lecture here is to be held on December 10 at 14.30, Mondolfo room, via Zamboni 38, Bologna. The lecture is organised by the International Center for History of Science (CIS) and SeRiC – the colloquia initiative of the Philosophy and Communication Department.

We very much look forward to welcoming you and celebrating PC’ s new start!

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Processing Citizenship at the University of Twente Dies Natalis Tue, 13 Nov 2018 10:15:58 +0000 On Friday the 30th of November, The University of Twente will celebrate its 57th Dies Natalis. Processing Citizenship’s Principal Investigator Annalisa Pelizza will be presenting at the Dies Natalis lecture. This year’s Dies Natalis will be organised around the theme of ‘Talent’, and several young talented researchers will give short and inspiring lectures about their…

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On Friday the 30th of November, The University of Twente will celebrate its 57th Dies Natalis. Processing Citizenship’s Principal Investigator Annalisa Pelizza will be presenting at the Dies Natalis lecture.

This year’s Dies Natalis will be organised around the theme of ‘Talent’, and several young talented researchers will give short and inspiring lectures about their work, their motivation and their inner drive. Annalisa Pelizza will be one of the researchers presenting.

The lectures will take place at the Waaier building on the University of Twente campus, starting at 13:30.

13:30 hrs: Welcome with coffee and tea
14:30 hrs: Dies Natalis ceremony
16:30 hrs: Reception

During the ceremony, the Overijssel PhD Award and the Professor De Winter Award will be presented. More details on the programme can be found here.



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Processing Citizenship at Borders in Motion Conference Thu, 08 Nov 2018 18:51:18 +0000 On the 17th of November, Processing Citizenship’s Principal Investigator, Annalisa Pelizza, will participate in a panel at the ‘Borders in motion’ conference at the Collegium Polonicum in Slubice. The panel will bring in conversation two lines of state-of-the-art research on the relationship between state borders and technology. The first points to the pursuit of a…

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On the 17th of November, Processing Citizenship’s Principal Investigator, Annalisa Pelizza, will participate in a panel at the ‘Borders in motion’ conference at the Collegium Polonicum in Slubice.

The panel will bring in conversation two lines of state-of-the-art research on the relationship between state borders and technology.

The first points to the pursuit of a border-less European ‘integration’ through the application of technologies. This research takes into account the role of technology in overcoming division lines inside Europe by penetrating and relativizing state borders.

The second starts from the other end, the rise of ‘Euroscepticism’ regarding the vision of a border-less European society, which has resulted in attempts at intensifying the technological control of borders within Europe and between Europe and the rest of the world. Central here is a series of ‘challenges to Europe,’ from economic crises in the European South and the Brexit political decision in the European North to the pressure from migration waves to Europe and nationalist parties in Europe. In the face of these challenges, political stakeholders argue in favor of (re-)strengthening internal or external borders by relying on border-keeping technologies.

Annalisa Pelizza will talk about how contemporary data infrastructures for “alterity processing” (Pelizza, forthcoming) can show and shape elements of the multi-level European construction. She will address which values are implied by choice of a standard, a procedure, a protocol, and which actors are downplayed by such technical decisions, as well as which new ones are emerging. The lecture introduces data infrastructures for “alterity processing” as a field of inquiry concerned both with the management of Otherness and with the infrastructural construction of polities.

The panel will take place at Saturday the 17th of November, 09:00–10:45 at the Collegium Polonicum, room 205

More information on the Borders in Motion conference can be found at

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PC discussing socio-technical alterity at 4S in Sydney Thu, 04 Oct 2018 14:18:27 +0000 The PI was invited to discuss contemporary sociotechnologies of otherness to a panel organized by prof. Suchman. “One of those experiences that you continue to savor for months”. With these words Annalisa Pelizza has summarized the discussion generated during the “Us and Them: Sociotechnologies of Alterity/Otherness” panel organized by prof. Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University) at…

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The PI was invited to discuss contemporary sociotechnologies of otherness to a panel organized by prof. Suchman.

“One of those experiences that you continue to savor for months”. With these words Annalisa Pelizza has summarized the discussion generated during the “Us and Them: Sociotechnologies of Alterity/Otherness” panel organized by prof. Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University) at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S).

The panel addressed “the generative possibilities of STS scholarship to examine sociotechnical infrastructures that materialize delineations of difference within human and more than human worlds”. It featured Karen Barad (University of California, Santa Cruz, US), who pointed out  how militarism, racism, imperialism, and colonialism are located inside the very terms of quantum physics.

Michael Christie and Helen Verran (both from Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University, Australia) have focused on the pressing necessity to consider language as a sociotechnology in the workings of parliaments, and to allow Australian aboriginal languages in parliamentary settings.

Annalisa Pelizza has followed, with a presentation titled “Processing Alterity. From Bare Bodies to Technological Spokespersons”. The talk has argued for an STS-informed understanding of procedures of identification and registration of people on the move at the European borders. Such an approach is meant to account for multiple, heterogeneous dynamics of exclusion and inclusion, involving not only migrants and the state in a closed, binary relationship.

Anita Say Chan (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, US) has discussed the entanglements of and experiments in techno-cultural collaboration from rural hack lab spaces in Peru, which distinctly engage materialities of nature, technology, and information to disrupt the dominant logics of digital universalism.

Finally, Lucy Suchman herself has presented the new developments in her long-term work on digital militarism by addressing how military training technologies aspire to recognition of the proxy bodies of war’s Others, both corporeal and virtual.

All in all, the panel was not only a success, attracting dozens of participants, but sown the ground for cutting-edge further developments in STS concerned with the enactment of the Other, and its political implications.

The Society for Social Studies of Science is the largest international STS scientific society, fostering interdisciplinary and engaged scholarship in social studies of science, technology, and medicine (referred to as STS). The theme of this year’s meeting was ‘TRANSnational STS’. By challenging the concept of ‘nation’ and investigating the issues with ‘trans’, 4S 2018 was of high relevance to Processing Citizenship.

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Processing Citizenship panel at the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Sun, 22 Jul 2018 17:47:47 +0000 On the 27th of July 2018, Processing Citizenship will organize a panel at the bi-annual European Association for the Study of Science and Technology conference in Lancaster. The panel is titled “The European Other as site of institutional experiment. Articulating frictions in infrastructures for processing alterity” and is co-convened by PC’s Principal Investigator. The panel …

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On the 27th of July 2018, Processing Citizenship will organize a panel at the bi-annual European Association for the Study of Science and Technology conference in Lancaster. The panel is titled “The European Other as site of institutional experiment. Articulating frictions in infrastructures for processing alterity” and is co-convened by PC’s Principal Investigator.

The panel  will focus on the frictions arising between established institutional and emerging knowledge infrastructures in the management of the “European Other”. It is co-convened by Annalisa Pelizza (University of Twente) and Melpomeni Antonakaki (Technical University of Munich), and will take place at Lancaster University, Bowland North Seminar Room 7.

During the panel, Processing Citizenship’s researcher Ermioni Frezouli will also give a presentation. Annalisa Pelizza will introduce the workings with a presentation on how contemporary data infrastructures for processing migrants and refugees at the border, as well as inside Europe, can shape the European order. Presentations by Jasper van der Kist (University of Manchester) on the emergent infrastructure on country of origin information, and by Marta Martins and Helena Machado (University of Minho) on the media’s narratives about the uses of DNA technologies in transnational criminal cases further develop this topic. Prof. Anne-Marie Fortier (Lancaster University) will discuss how the above mentioned infrastructures constitute experiments in enacting individuals and institutions.

In session 2, Ermioni Frezouli will be presenting about the topic of the “illegal” migrant in discourses and materialities regarding pre-removal centres and registration infrastructures after the EU-Turkey deal. Other presentations by  Vasileios Spyridon Vlassis (IT University Copenhagen) and Melpomeni Antonakaki and Bernd Kasparek (Technical University of Munich and University of Göttingen) focus on the correlation between EURODAC and the Prüm Convention and on Hotspots as ‘folded infrastructure’, respectively. Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University) will act as discussant of this second session.


The full panel schedule:

27 Jul 2018 – Session 1

14:00-14:20 Annalisa Pelizza

14:20-14:40 Jasper van der Kist

14:40-15:00 Marta Martins and Helena Machado

15:00-15:30 Discussion by Anne-Marie Fortier, followed by authors’ and audience reactions

27 Jul 2018 – Session 2

16:00-16:20 Melpomeni Antonakaki and Bernd Kasparek

16:20-16:40 Ermioni Frezouli, Aristotle Tympas, Annalisa Pelizza

16:40-17:00 Vasileios Spyridon Vlassis

17:00-17:30 Discussion by Lucy Suchman, followed by authors’ and audience reactions

This panel is part of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) conference. More information about this conference can be found at

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Processing Citizenship at the World Conference of the Association for Borderland Studies in Vienna: Panel on the Datafication of Border and Migration Management Sun, 22 Jul 2018 16:46:53 +0000 Post-doctoral Researcher Dr. Stephan Scheel has organized a panel at the upcoming 2ndWorld Conference of the Association for Borderland Studies. The conference will take place at the University of Vienna and the Central European University in Budapest from 10thto 14thof July 2018. The contributions to the panel all concern the ongoing technologisation and datafication of…

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Post-doctoral Researcher Dr. Stephan Scheel has organized a panel at the upcoming 2ndWorld Conference of the Association for Borderland Studies. The conference will take place at the University of Vienna and the Central European University in Budapest from 10thto 14thof July 2018. The contributions to the panel all concern the ongoing technologisation and datafication of border and migration management practices. The panel thus resonates with the Processing Citzenship project’s research interest in the registration practices and IT-infrastructures that are mobilized to render newly arriving migrants who are unknown to state authorities into re-identifiable, governable subjects. In context of the panel Stephan will present a paper that tries to theorize migrants’ tactics to subvert states’ attempts to render them into traceable, transparent subjects with Edouard Glissant’s insistence on a right to opacity. The full title of Stephan’s paper is “PINning down Migrants? Managing Migration through Traceability, Subverting Border Control through Opacity”.

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Processing Citizenship at the University of Oxford for the workshop “Deconstructing Biometric Refugee Registration” Fri, 15 Jun 2018 09:03:09 +0000 PhD Candidate  Wouter Van Rossem, will represent the Processing Citizenship project at a workshop organized by the University of Oxford called “Deconstructing Biometric Regugee Registration” this Friday, 15 June 2018. The workshop is hosted by the Refugee Studies Centre. Among the speakers: Shane O’Brien, Registration Officer (Identity Management), UNHCR Dr Anja Simonsen, Biometrics Border Worlds…

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PhD Candidate  Wouter Van Rossem, will represent the Processing Citizenship project at a workshop organized by the University of Oxford called “Deconstructing Biometric Regugee Registration” this Friday, 15 June 2018.

The workshop is hosted by the Refugee Studies Centre.

Among the speakers:

Shane O’Brien, Registration Officer (Identity Management), UNHCR

Dr Anja Simonsen, Biometrics Border Worlds Project, University of Copenhagen

Dr Katja Jacobsen, author of Politics of Humanitarian Technology (Routledge, 2017)

More on the event here.


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Processing Citizenship at the LSE research workshop on ICT and the management of refugee flows and services Thu, 07 Jun 2018 13:01:55 +0000 On 7 June 2018 Processing Citizenship Principal Investigator Annalisa Pelizza will be attending the research workshop on “ICT and the management of refugee flows and services”, organized by Prof. Chrisanthi Avgerou at the London School of Economics. Annalisa will take the stage at 12.00 with a talk on “Processing Alterity, Shaping the European Order”. The initiative…

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On 7 June 2018 Processing Citizenship Principal Investigator Annalisa Pelizza will be attending the research workshop on “ICT and the management of refugee flows and services”, organized by Prof. Chrisanthi Avgerou at the London School of Economics. Annalisa will take the stage at 12.00 with a talk on “Processing Alterity, Shaping the European Order”.

The initiative is organized within the works of the Information Systems and Innovation Faculty Research Group, a centre of expertise on information technology (IT) innovation and related organizational and social change. The group focuses on two processes of innovation, as further elucidated on the group’s webpage:

  • Information systems and organisational change in business firms and public sector agencies as well as in multiple forms of collaboration across formal organisational boundaries
  • The formation of digital infrastructures, their information content, the range of services they enable and the organisational processes they support.


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First PC publication on EASST Review Mon, 04 Dec 2017 22:25:39 +0000 And here we are, ready with the first publication by Processing Citizenship. The project’s PI, A. Pelizza, has indeed contributed with a new article to the November issue of the EASST Review. The article was published as part of the “STS Multiple” section, which in this issue is dedicated to STePS, the department of Science,…

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And here we are, ready with the first publication by Processing Citizenship. The project’s PI, A. Pelizza, has indeed contributed with a new article to the November issue of the EASST Review.

The article was published as part of the “STS Multiple” section, which in this issue is dedicated to STePS, the department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies at the University of  Twente where the project is hosted.

The article illustrates the two sets of questions used to investigate how three types of identities are co-produced: those of migrants, polities, and territory. The first set of questions looks at which information is recorded in the systems and constitutes the digital identity of migrants when dealing with European actors, while the second directed set is directed at investigating alterity processing in relation to European polities.

The other articles in STS Multiple focus on the engaged “Twente Approach” (by S. Kuhlmann, K. Konrad, L. Roberts ), and on Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA) (by K. Konrad, A. Rip, V. Schulze Greiving ), one of the most succesful methodological contributions to STS by STePS.

EASST Review is the journal of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology. It is published quarterly in March, June, September and December since 1996.


Find out more by reading the full article:

Pelizza, A. (2017), “Processing Citizenship. Digital registration of migrants as co-production of individuals and Europe”, EASST Review, 36(3).

Early “Processing Citizenship” team members. From left to right: C. Andreoli, A. Pelizza, S. Scheel, A. Bacchi

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Processing Citizenship at the “VARIETIES OF CITIZENSHIP IN A GLOBALISED WORLD” workshop in Fiesole, Italy Mon, 20 Nov 2017 16:31:14 +0000 Processing Citizenship has been invited by the the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) to participate to the “Varieties of Citizenship in a Globalised World” workshop that will take place on November 27-28, 2017 in Fiesole, Italy. The workshop, which liaises with the Global Citizenship Governance Project based at the EUI and the WZB…

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Processing Citizenship has been invited by the the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) to participate to the “Varieties of Citizenship in a Globalised World” workshop that will take place on November 27-28, 2017 in Fiesole, Italy.

The workshop, which liaises with the Global Citizenship Governance Project based at the EUI and the WZB Berlin, will consider several matters relate to citizenship and globalization: (a) patterns of variation and clustering among countries with regard to their citizenship regimes; (b) global trends in citizenship reform and diffusion processes of citizenship policies; and (c) opportunities that new emerging technologies create to existing frameworks of citizenship. The papers that will be discussed will touch upon stimulating topics such as new technologies, domestic policy reforms, developments of international legal norms related to nationality over time, and the future of citizenship.

On the morning of the 28th, Processing Citizenship PI Annalisa Pelizza will present “Processing Citizenship: The Overlap between Data and Institutional Architectures
” within the session “Matching Systems for Global Immigration/Citizenship Allocation”.

The event is funded by the Global Governance Programme and the EUI’s Research Council, and co-financed by the MiLifeStatus project which has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 682626).

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies is an inter-disciplinary research centre established in 1992 as part of the European University Institute (EUI). The Centre’s activities revolve around themes such as integration, governance, democracy and 21st Century world politics and Europe.



Badia Fiesolana, Via dei Roccettini, 9 – San Domenico di Fiesole

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

To register please visit

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