Paul joins Processing Citizenship as a postdoctoral researcher

We are pleased to welcome Paul Trauttmansdorff who has joined us as a new postdoctoral researcher in Processing Citizenship at the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna.
In the coming months, Paul will focus particularly on the project of interoperability between information systems in Europe and investigate how data infrastructures and registration practices reconfigure territory and citizenship. These dimensions will further explore the socio-organizational aspects of data infrastructures, attending to how circulation of third-country population data shapes and is shaped by inter-organizational boundaries.
Paul has previously been a researcher at the Department of Science & Technology Studies, University of Vienna, where he completes his PhD thesis. His dissertation explores how the construction and maintenance of digital infrastructures are entangled with collective imaginations and promises of future borders and border (in)security. From October 2021 to March 2022, Paul was already a temporary member of the Processing Citizenship team, joining it as a PhD visiting scholar (Marietta-Blau fellow, OeAD).
Paul is a member of the STS-MIGTEC network and an associated researcher with the research platform Mobile Cultures and Societies (University of Vienna). He holds bachelor degrees in Philosophy (University of Vienna) and Socioeconomics (Vienna University of Business and Economics). He completed his master degree in Political Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
You can read Paul’s full profile here.